Genesis Frankfurt
AI cameras from the eneo IN series ensure the security of the exclusive showroom of the South Korean premium car brand.

Hilton Frankfurt
A video security system, which has been modernised with eneo video and recording technology, ensures the safety of guests at the Hilton.
Further references:
Good reasons for eneo:
„We recommended the eneo IN cameras to our customer because they are ideal for discreet video security solutions, especially the compact flat dome. The advantage of these cameras is that they are very powerful and hardly noticeable. And thanks to the special matt black finish that we commissioned from VIDEOR, they blend in perfectly with the studio design.
The very good experience we have always had with VIDEOR's pre-configuration service also spoke in favour of eneo. It makes work much easier when the hard discs are already installed and the cameras are integrated, i.e. when tested, ready-to-install system components are delivered to the customer. Especially when a tight schedule has to be adhered to.“
Tamer Vural | Managing Director Digicom Information technology